

2015年03月04日 13:29來源:上海秋騰貿(mào)易有限公司 >>進入該公司展臺人氣:436


Faurndau DC motors of the EFG series are reliable, economically efficient drive systems that show their numerous advantages and strengths in almost all application areas. All motors of this type series are four-pole and equipped with interpoles and comply with EN 60034-1 as well as the IEC-recommendations IEC 34-1 and thus all international regulations.
Faurndau Three phase drive type PMG:The Faurndau PMG motor is a sturdy, low-maintenance, variable-speed three phase synchronous motor excited by means of permanent magnets in the rotor. It has a divided magnet frame that consists of two endshields and an intermediate piece as a receptacle for the stationary core. With an adjusted inverter from our product range an optimized drive can be realized either with speed control -, torque - or position control loop.
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dc motor, ac high voltage motor, low pressure motor, communication synchronous motor, large and medium-sized submersible pump and transformer

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